5 Cutting-Edge Vein Treatments

5 Cutting-Edge Vein Treatments

Varicose veins are frustrating, and there seems to be no shortage of over-the-counter creams that promise (and fail) to eliminate varicose veins. And while the creams don’t work, our cutting-edge vein treatments do. They shut down problematic veins so you can get relief from pesky symptoms like swelling, pain, and ankle discoloration. 

In this blog, you can learn about five cutting-edge vein treatments available at the Vein Care Institute, courtesy of our team of vascular surgeons at Vascular Specialists in Tinley Park, Illinois, and Munster, Indiana.

1. Laser ablation

Endovenous laser ablation is a minimally invasive procedure designed to treat varicose veins at their source. Your doctor inserts a thin laser fiber into your affected vein and delivers laser energy that causes the vein to collapse and eventually fade away. 

Endovenous laser ablation offers a high success rate (as much as 92%) and faster recovery compared to traditional vein-stripping surgery.

2. Radiofrequency ablation

Laser ablation isn’t the only type of ablation available in our Vein Care Institute. We also offer radiofrequency ablation. 

Just like laser ablation, radiofrequency ablation uses heat to seal off your varicose veins. However, instead of using light energy (laser), radiofrequency ablation relies on radio waves via the ClosureFast™ system. 

3. VenaSeal™ closure system

The VenaSeal procedure uses medical adhesive to seal off problematic veins. Your provider injects a medical glue directly into the targeted vein via a thin catheter and applies a light external pressure to help seal the vein. Your blood then routes to other, healthier veins.

Another benefit? We can perform the VenaSeal procedure on both legs during a single outpatient appointment.

4. Sclerotherapy with Varithena™ foam

Sclerotherapy is a type of vein treatment that uses a sclerosing agent to treat varicose veins. Sclerosing agents refer to injectable materials that irritate and then shrink your varicose veins. There are many types of sclerosing agents, but our team uses Varithena, an injectable microfoam.

Once the microfoam is injected, it fills up the entire troublesome area. Because it’s a sclerosant, it eventually causes the affected area to collapse. Over time, the varicose vein fades away. There’s no need for any sutures or incisions, and the entire process takes about an hour.

5. Ovarian vein embolization

Not all varicose veins develop on your legs. They can develop in other areas of your body, including your pelvic area. With a condition called pelvic congestion syndrome, you can experience pelvic pain, low back pain, vaginal discharge, hemorrhoids, and irritable bladder.

The good news is that we can also treat these veins with embolization procedures. Our team can place small metal plugs, or coils, into the problematic ovarian vein. These plugs block blood flow into the vein. Additionally, sclerosing agents seal off these veins, just as with varicose veins in your legs. 

Vein problems? We can help!

If you have aching legs, visible or twisted veins, or pelvic pain, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Vein Care Institute. During your appointment, your vascular surgeon examines your veins, reviews your symptoms and your medical history, and analyzes imaging tests or vascular ultrasounds.

Depending on your exam and the severity of your condition, we review your treatment options — such as VenaSeal, ablation, sclerotherapy, or embolization — so you can get relief.  

If you want to learn more about how any of these cutting-edge treatments could help you, give us a call at 815-824-4406 or click here to book your next appointment at the location of your choice.

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