Not So F.A.S.T. Can Still Mean Stroke
May is World Stroke Awareness Month and here at Vascular Specialists, our medical professionals are committed to helping you avoid this life-changing health challenge, or to make sure you recover as much as absolutely possible in the event of a stroke.
The F.A.S.T. CAMPAIGN to identify stroke, Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech slurred and Time to call 9-1-1, has been an enormous help in getting patients immediate medical care, increasing the chances of a healthy recovery.
But what about other symptoms of stroke? “There are other, smaller and less visible signs of stroke,” says Dr. Tanquilut. “Recognizing those symptoms quickly – and getting treatment immediately – is also vital to a patient’s recovery.”
When you have a sudden change in vision, perhaps a blurriness, colored spots or a “blocked” spot in your vision, either in one or both eyes, call 9-1-1.
When you feel a sudden onset of dizziness, have trouble walking or handling objects, or are losing your balance, call 9-1-1.
When you experience sudden numbness in your face, your arms, your legs or any part of your body, especially if you feel it only on one side of your body, call 9-1-1.
When you suddenly feel confused, have trouble speaking clearly, have trouble understanding what is being said to you, do not know where you are or how you got there, call 9-1-1.
When you experience a sudden terrible headache, especially if you are over 40 and have never had a migraine, perhaps but not necessarily accompanied by a loss of sight or numbness in your hands or feet, call 9-1-1.
“Notice that in each case,” says Dr. Tanquilut, “we recommend calling 9-1-1 immediately. If you are having a stroke, “time is brain”. The faster you get in an ambulance and start receiving emergency care, the better your chances for a full recovery.”
DON’T WAIT. DON’T BE AFRAID ABOUT BEING MISTAKEN IN YOUR SYMPTOMS. CALL 9-1-1 IMMEDIATELY WHEN YOU SUSPECT SOMEONE IS HAVING A STROKE. The medical professionals you’ll meet along the way of your emergency call, whether it’s a stroke or not, will be happy to examine you, treat you and help you stay healthy and maintain full functionality.
HAVE YOU BEEN SCREENED FOR STROKE RISK? Call our office at 815-4406 to ask about a screening of your carotid arteries, a PAD assessment and an analysis of other health factors to determine your risk of stroke.
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