Exercise Without Exercising

At your last healthcare appointment, your doctor probably asked you how much exercise you get each week and perhaps they recommended you get more.  You may have inwardly groaned and thought, “Oh gosh, I hate to exercise so much!” 

Dr. Tanquilut, Dr. Pradhan and Dr. Coffey can understand the struggle it can be to get motivated, get dressed and work out. But your Vascular Specialists are here to let you in on a secret - exercise doesn’t have to take a chunk out of your day, it doesn’t have to be regimented and it doesn’t have to be a chore. The doctors have three simple tips to incorporate more movement into your day while hardly noticing. 

First, why is exercise important for your vascular health?
Exercise isn’t just about weight loss, although it is a very important component if your weight has a negative impact on your health. Even if you are thin, a sedentary lifestyle is a major risk factor for vascular disease. Frequent movement helps you:
• Reduce your blood pressure
• Reduce “bad” cholesterol
• Increase “good” cholesterol
• Increase oxygenated blood flow to all your organs, muscles, bones and more
• Increases your body’s ability to use insulin correctly
• Gives you a better night’s sleep
• Decreases stress levels and anxiety levels
• Increases self-confidence

Turn TV Time Into Movement Time
Do you watch about 30 minutes of television every day? Whether it’s something you’re streaming or Jeopardy!, it’s an opportunity to move - and you’ll finish 30 minutes of exercise without even thinking about it! Turn on the TV, but don’t sit down. Move your legs in a marching motion, lifting your knees as high as you are able. Don’t be discouraged if you’re only lifting your foot a few inches to begin; after several weeks, you’ll notice a difference in your marching ability - and in your overall health and mood. 

Phone Time is Movement Time
Your 30 minutes of exercise doesn’t have to happen in one big chunk. If you accomplish 10 minutes three times a day, you’re improving your health. When the phone rings, use your conversation time as time to get going. Walk around your house, up and down stairs and even around the block to get your blood flowing and your muscles working. If your phone call last longer than 10 minutes, try to move for as long as you’re chatting. You could get in 45 minutes of exercise without noticing the time. 

Think Like A City Dweller
Studies show that city dwellers typically get more exercise than those who live in the suburbs. That’s because suburbanites tend to get in their cars for even the closest of errands and city dwellers are more likely to get around more actively. Consider different modes of transportation for your errands. Could you safely ride a bike to the post office or grocery store when you need to get just few things? Can you walk to the library or coffee shop? Use a backpack to carry your items to and fro when you’re walking or biking. 

Your physicians here at Vascular Specialists know that your quality of life improves tremendously when you exercise. If you have any questions about exercise or your vascular health in general, please call our office at 815-824-4406 or click here to make an appointment.

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