My Toes Are Blue!

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) can turn your toes blue – and lead to lost limbs. Dr. Tanquilut and Dr. Pradhan of Vascular Specialists are here to help you better understand the symptoms that can indicate PAD.

PAD begins as cholesterol particles accumulate on your artery walls, causing plaque to form. This plaque then builds into thicker deposits, narrowing the opening in your arteries and restricting blood flow.

Because your legs are no longer getting enough blood to function properly, you may suffer from leg, hip or thigh cramping when walking, pain that eases when resting. This symptom is called intermittent claudication.

Other symptoms include:

If left untreated, PAD can develop into critical limb ischemia. When sores, injuries and infections in your legs can’t heal because of restricted blood flow, the tissue begins to die, causing gangrene and requiring amputation.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, ask your doctor about screening you for PAD or make an appointment with Vascular Specialists by calling 815-824-4406.

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